Darth Vader review

Darth Vader is one of my favorite villains because i'm a huge fan of star wars and one of my names is named after him but i'm not going into that. Anyway, Darth Vader makes a real impact in this clip because the way that he gets escorted up to the rebels command ship suggest that he is powerful and in control. Next, the heavy breathing before he put his light saber on gives us the impression that he is deadly because not only we know that but also the rebels too because they know exactly who it is from the heavy breathing. Thirdly, when Darth Vader lights his light saber up, the red colour has connotations of death, blood and evil and from this we get the impression that something tremendous  is about to happen. Another point would be the way he walks down this corridor all calm because he knows that he will be fine and can kill all of them, which he does. Finally, his outfit is a full blacked out suit with a long black cloak to show his power and the mask is made to look like a skull to show that he is intimidating and has connotations of death. Overall, this is an amazing villain because the franchise 'Star Wars' have made a villain to look evil and intimidating and they have.    


  1. Good effort here. You discuss the connotations with some clarity and provide evidence to support your points. (T) Don't forget to give clear denotation with detailed description including media language elements such as camera shots, angles, music, dialogue, costume. props, etc. You can also refer to codes/ signs, narrative, editing to help you.

  2. Thank you, I will try to include the use media language and the other elements next time in a representation.


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